海外利益保护、合规与“全球公司”发展 9
欧盟安全问题研究所 欧洲东部的第三方势力 49
中川淳司(日本) 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定与21世纪的贸易投资规则 116
甄鹏 科索沃地位谈判始末 130
吴戈 苏联对华核打击刹车之谜 137
方亮 再次选择普京的俄罗斯向何处去 149
Content of Issue 82 of the Magazine Leaders
Overseas Interests Protection
9 Overseas Interests Protection, Legal Compliance and Development of “Global Corporation”
49 Third Powers in Europe’s East
Global Affairs
116 TPP & Trade and Investment Rules in 21st Century
130 The Whole Story of Negotiations on Kosovo’s Status
137 Why Soviet Union Cancelled Its Plan of Nuclear Attack on China
149 Where Would Russia Go with Vladimir Putin Reelected
Summary of Issue 82 of the Magazine Leaders
Third Powers in Europe’s East
China, Turkey, Iran and many Arab states are all a bigger presence in the region than was the case a decade ago. None of them is anywhere near matching the role played by the EU, US or Russia, but the trend towards increased engagement is discernible. This trend is driven by, on the one hand, the growing economic and foreign policy ambitions of the third powers, and on the other by the Eastern Partners’ eagerness to expand their economic, financial or diplomatic links with powers other than the EU, US or Russia. The EU’s neighbours want to diversify their foreign policy options and broaden their economic horizons as much as possible and engagement with ‘third powers’ is part of a strategy to achieve that end.
TPP & Trade and Investment Rules in 21st Century
TPP had a great outcome in the liberalization of other trade and investment and with the opening-up of the government procurement market. … In addition to incorporating high-level rules into the fields of WTO + and WTOX, which have been covered by FTA and EPA, TPP has encompassed new rules to support the globalization of supply network, including cross-sector issues. Although most of them are not legally binding, gradual and progressive realization will be achieved through peer review at the committees established for each field after the entry into force of the agreement.
Where Would Russia Go with Vladimir Putin Reelected
When the framework of popular support is broken, everything may change. One characteristic that is quite prominent in Russia’s history is that the Tsars’ substitutions had brought about a general turn of the country. This was a very common scene in the history of the Cold War. After Stalin’s death, after Khrushchev’s fall from the coup and after Gorbachev’s taking office, the turns took place. Even Dmitry Medvedev’s once tenure of president brought this kind of change. Putin’s Russia can continue to be an opposition to the West and to export its “black swan”; however, when Russia’s economic downturn begins to reverse the people’s endurance and the framework of popular support is broken, Russia’s policy may turn very quickly.
海外利益保护、合规与“全球公司”发展 9
欧盟安全问题研究所 欧洲东部的第三方势力 49
中川淳司(日本) 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定与21世纪的贸易投资规则 116
甄鹏 科索沃地位谈判始末 130
吴戈 苏联对华核打击刹车之谜 137
方亮 再次选择普京的俄罗斯向何处去 149
Content of Issue 82 of the Magazine Leaders
Overseas Interests Protection
9 Overseas Interests Protection, Legal Compliance and Development of “Global Corporation”
49 Third Powers in Europe’s East
Global Affairs
116 TPP & Trade and Investment Rules in 21st Century
130 The Whole Story of Negotiations on Kosovo’s Status
137 Why Soviet Union Cancelled Its Plan of Nuclear Attack on China
149 Where Would Russia Go with Vladimir Putin Reelected
Summary of Issue 82 of the Magazine Leaders
Third Powers in Europe’s East
China, Turkey, Iran and many Arab states are all a bigger presence in the region than was the case a decade ago. None of them is anywhere near matching the role played by the EU, US or Russia, but the trend towards increased engagement is discernible. This trend is driven by, on the one hand, the growing economic and foreign policy ambitions of the third powers, and on the other by the Eastern Partners’ eagerness to expand their economic, financial or diplomatic links with powers other than the EU, US or Russia. The EU’s neighbours want to diversify their foreign policy options and broaden their economic horizons as much as possible and engagement with ‘third powers’ is part of a strategy to achieve that end.
TPP & Trade and Investment Rules in 21st Century
TPP had a great outcome in the liberalization of other trade and investment and with the opening-up of the government procurement market. … In addition to incorporating high-level rules into the fields of WTO + and WTOX, which have been covered by FTA and EPA, TPP has encompassed new rules to support the globalization of supply network, including cross-sector issues. Although most of them are not legally binding, gradual and progressive realization will be achieved through peer review at the committees established for each field after the entry into force of the agreement.
Where Would Russia Go with Vladimir Putin Reelected
When the framework of popular support is broken, everything may change. One characteristic that is quite prominent in Russia’s history is that the Tsars’ substitutions had brought about a general turn of the country. This was a very common scene in the history of the Cold War. After Stalin’s death, after Khrushchev’s fall from the coup and after Gorbachev’s taking office, the turns took place. Even Dmitry Medvedev’s once tenure of president brought this kind of change. Putin’s Russia can continue to be an opposition to the West and to export its “black swan”; however, when Russia’s economic downturn begins to reverse the people’s endurance and the framework of popular support is broken, Russia’s policy may turn very quickly.